


Our Internet Fine Art Galleries include Gilbert Art Blog , BetsyG, smokeRISER, Vechal CreationsimagesKepler 90h and Gilbert Music .


Gilbert Art Blog maintains a Post that features works from independent artists. The Checkout  for In house work is hosted by Fine Art America and Payhip .  


New submissions are highlighted in the blog. Check the FAQ for more information.


The repository of Gilbert Publishing work is in the Images Gallery. Featured independent artists are listed in the  Blog Post.  Contributors are listed in the Artist List

Basic Attributes

Web Development

An internal network has been built around the Gilbert Art Blog  where the catalogs reside. Visitors move around within the sub domains which enhance the chances of running into other original content.

Ad free

Having the look and feel of a Gallery is essential. The goal is to develop site traffic organically.  Corporate Ads are mostly clutter with marginal returns on the space investment. Sponsorship of artists/musicians is a great way to increase exposure for all involved.


Self publishing on this site is only the beginning. Simply provide a buy, donate or an ecommerce site tag that we associate with your item(s) on the platform of  your choice, We sell Digital Image Files directly through  Payhip . Print on Demand (POD) is done by Fine Art America 

Please consider a Donation to help defray the cost of site storage and maintenance.  

The Art Blog

The GAB Post is where the newest content can be found.  Articles are presented periodically on a range of topics.  Fresh content is always appreciated incase you want to submit work for consideration.     Post